The lifespan of a water tank depends on where you have installed it. If you have installed one underground, you can expect it to last a long time. Generally, the expected lifespan of a typical water tank is 20 years. Some might last a few more decades if you follow proper maintenance procedures. You should also choose a reputable manufacturer of water tanks, as they use high-quality materials to make them. The installer should follow the right procedure when placing the tank and replace the old tank at the right time.

Maintain Your Water Tanks In Kenya With The Tips Stated Below
Check The Foundation At Fixed Intervals
If you think that your responsibility ends after installing the best water tank in Kenya, it is high time you debunk the myth. You also have to conduct frequent checks on the foundation. Water tanks are built to last, but conditions like large gusts of wind, potentially extreme environments, big shifts in temperature and excessive wear and tear can impact their foundation. Every time you are inspecting the foundation, clean out the tank.
Take Care Of The Coating
If you want to prevent the water in your tank from getting contaminated, take care of the coating. Reputable tank manufacturers like Jumbo Quality Products Limited always use top-quality coating as it helps in reducing maintenance costs. The coating acts as the primary line of defence against corrosion for the tank. You don’t have to worry about the coating if you choose plastic tanks manufactured with food-grade polyethylene using the latest technology.

Use The Latest Technology For Tank Maintenance
There have been some recent advances in water tank technology. Using the technology for tank maintenance will increase their lifespan. Not only should you use the latest technology during tank installation but also when fixing the issues in the tank. The earlier you can spot signs of corrosion and deterioration, the better you can repair them. Negligence to fixing the small issues at the right time can lead to expensive repairs.
Get in touch with the experts at Jumbo Quality Products Limited.
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