Above Ground Vs. Underground Tanks – Which is a More Feasible Option?

You will get two feasible options if you consider adding a water tank. You can either add an above-ground tank or opt for an underground tank. There are a set of benefits for both types. The best part about underground tanks is that no one would be able to see them. However, unlike the underground tanks, the above-ground ones are less expensive. You can easily

Why are Underground Water Storage Tanks More Expensive than Above Ground?

Water tanks are a popular solution to help you save on your water bill. However, with several available options, finding the right one to serve your purpose can be tricky. Underground water tank prices in Kenya are higher than above ground, but they have certain specifications that make them worth investing in. Here is a brief guide to help you understand both types of water

What Are the Crucial Factors to Determine Water Tank Prices?

Be it your home, office or other commercial properties – a robust and durable water tank is required to enjoy a constant supply of usable water. You need to do adequate research on water tanks before buying one for your property. One of the vital factors to consider in a water tank is its price. Several factors are responsible for determining water tank prices in

How to Choose the Best Plastic Water Tank in Kenya?

The need for water tanks is irreplaceable in both commercial and residential spaces. The usage of plastic water tanks is getting popular nowadays. You will come across different types of plastic water tanks in Kenya that are being used per the customers’ capacity and needs. However, if you’re thinking of buying a plastic water tank, then you must keep a few points in mind before

Few Factors On Which The Durability Of Plastic Tanks Depend

Various types of water tanks are installed in domestic and commercial properties. Choosing the right tank will become easier if you consider a few vital points. Since installing a new tank in your home or office is time-consuming, make sure you choose a durable product, so you don’t have to replace them frequently. It will also help you save money, since buying a tank is

Time To Install Tanks Which Can Last For Years

Choosing the right tank for your home or office is a must as a failed system can become a concern for your health. Most manufacturers use premium quality materials to make them so the water is safe for consumption. It will become easier for you to choose the right tank if you consider your property size, land features, neighbourhood and slope before making the final

Know The Common Causes Of Water Shortage In Kenya

Water shortage has become a critical problem in Kenya, with a large population spending a major portion of their day fetching water from the nearest fresh water source. An easy way to deal with the crisis is by knowing the common causes of water shortage. Water scarcity can occur due to human or natural causes. Though water scarcity is a global issue nowadays, it is