Poa Tanks

Consider Your Water Usage Before Buying Tanks In Kenya

Though there are numerous benefits of installing water tanks in your home, one of the biggest challenges is to find the right type of tank. Moreover, numerous tank suppliers are scattered all over Kenya, offering a wide variety of tanks. It will become easier for you to choose the right type of tank if you […]

Importance of Having the Best Water Tanks

Having a water tank in every house is a necessity and has become compulsory nowadays. Harvesting rainwater is an efficient technique of storing the rainwater and using the same for future purposes. Thus, installing a water tank is not only good for you but also good for the overall environment. With environmental sustainability at the […]

Some Vital Points To Consider When Buying Water Tanks In Kenya

People in Kenya can choose from numerous water tank manufacturers providing premium quality tanks at affordable prices. As a homeowner, you should choose something that can last for years with minimal maintenance. The objective is to invest in the right product made using high-quality materials. Most of the renowned water tank manufacturers use their technical […]

3 Reasons To Choose Plastic Water Tanks Instead of Steel Tanks

Gone are the days when steel tanks were considered to be the ideal product for water storage. Corrosion is one of the most common issues you have to deal with if you install them in your residential or commercial property. They have numerous other limitations as they are at the mercy of various elements. As […]

Debunk The Myths About Water Storage Before Buying Water Tanks

Storing water is more complicated than storing food, so make sure you choose the right water storage tank. With numerous suppliers scattered all over Kenya, choosing one often becomes a challenge for homeowners. Look for one with years of experience in the industry, like Jumbo Quality Products Limited. They offer a wide variety of tanks […]

Take Care Of Your Water Tank With 3 Maintenance Tips

The lifespan of a water tank depends on where you have installed it. If you have installed one underground, you can expect it to last a long time. Generally, the expected lifespan of a typical water tank is 20 years. Some might last a few more decades if you follow proper maintenance procedures. You should […]

4 Reasons To Choose Plastic Water Tanks Instead Of Steel Tanks

People have to store water for various domestic and industrial purposes. To ensure that the water you are storing is safe for consumption, choose the right water storage solution. Discuss your water storage needs with the best water tank manufacturer in Kenya and they will suggest the right type of tank. Nowadays, the demand for […]

Installed a Water Tank In Your Home? Some Easy Maintenance Tips

Installing a water tank in your home is a complicated task. You may have to install one below the ground to receive and store water from the main supply and an overhead tank in the roof to supply water throughout your house. You may need a motorised pump to send water from the lower tank […]

Reasons Why People Prefer Installing Plastic Tanks

Gone are the days when steel water tanks were considered to be the ideal material for water storage. Though the material is popular, it has many limitations. Its durability is dependent on various external factors. They are also more prone to rust and corrosion. A better alternative to steel tanks is plastic tanks. Some Benefits […]

3 Tips To Keep Your Water Tank Cool

There are numerous benefits of using tanks for water storage. Water is a natural resource that can be used for various purposes like drinking, gardening and washing. Install a tank in your home or office and you don’t have to worry about water shortage any time of the year. The benefits you can reap by […]

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