Poa Tanks

water usage Calculator


Activity No. of Persons Repetitions per Day Litres per Activity Total Litres per Day Total Litres per Month Total Litres per Year


Activity No. of Items Repetitions per Day Litres per Activity Total Litres per Day Total Litres per Month Total Litres per Year

Total Consumption (Indoor & Outdoor)

Total Litres per Day Total Litres per Month Total Litres per Year
0 0 0
Activity (Indoors) No of personsActivity repetition per dayApprox Litres per activityTotal Litres Per DayTotal Ltrs Per monthTotal Ltrs Per Annum
Washing Utencils1210206007,200
Brushing Teeth, Hand Wash1210206007,200
Drinking, Cooking125103003,600
House Cleaning1110103003,600
Toilet Flush125103003,600
Washing clothes Manual1140401,20014,400
Washing Machine1180802,40028,800
Activity (Outdoors) No of ItemsActivity repetition per dayApprox Litres per activityTotal Litres Per DayTotal Ltrs Per monthTotal Ltrs Per Annum
Garden Sprinkler21153090010,800
Car Wash1160601,80021,600
Hosing Hard Surfaces1115154505,400
Drip System1120206007,600
Total Litres (Indoor)1253,75045,000


Total Litres (Indoor)1253,75045,000

Water Saving Tips

Turn off the tap while brushing your teeth. This can save up to 6 litres of water per minute.
Fix your leaks. Whether you go DIY or hire a plumber, fixing leaky faucets can mean big water savings.
Take 5-minute showers instead of baths. A full bathtub requires up to 70 gallons of water.
If your dishwasher is new, cut back on rinsing. Newer models clean more thoroughly than older ones.
When shopping for a new washing machine, compare resource savings among Energy Star models. Some can save up to 20 gallons of water per load.
Collect the water used while rinsing fruit and vegetables and use it to water houseplants.
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